Tuesday, December 14, 2010


That would be the word that I would use to describe that last election. The American people are so predictable. Just like in times in the past there was a pretty large section of the US that didn't like the views, backbone and policies of George W. Bush. But the major factor was that we had just dived into the recession nose first...our business policies done be banks were not the most upfront that they should be so out housing industry suffered causing lay offs and thousands of foreclosures. As in the past, the current president is blamed for everything...so, the answer, let's get rid of as many republicans as possible..this is not a new policy. This has been lived out before several times in our history...one time that stands out to me is the power change between Hoover and FDR. Yeah bug switch from republican to democrat there too.

The hero that we elected as president was Obama. Although totally inexperienced, the history making possibilities of electing our first black president was such a glimmer in our eyes was that that possibility totally blinded us to his experience. Now after only 2 years of him holding office we find, even in the public, liberal media, that he is very ignorant when comes to leading people and negotiating.

So with this last election, the unhappiness with the president's performance and the economy still not fully recovered we vote in yet another change...yep, we changed out minds back to the republicans.

Now, these republicans have looked at the past mistakes of their party and trying to learn from it...as the matter of fact the party is trying to reinvent itself by going back to it's core values. The reinvent if the party is called the tea party movement. The hero of this movement so far...Sara Palin. Does she deserve all the praise given to her...that remains to be seen.

However, what is seen is that this power movement in congress from democrat to republican is not a surprise...it has been and will be predicted and relived several times...but for the time being after the first of the year, welcome back republicans! Time to get to work!

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Shake it UP!

Remember when Obama and His posse' got elected. It was going to be revolutionary! It was going to reminiscent of FDR and His cabinet that passed His every whim.

hm.........I doubt it.

Actually, although the democrats have had a majority in both houses, the revolutionary change promised in Government and it's bureaucracy has not happened...It's still the wild uncontrollable machine that you have to give and take in order to succeed.

The democrats expected this unexperienced man to lead America in an age of revolution led by the highest authority in the land. However, they forgot one minor or should I say major upset....He had no experience as a leader and not only that, but also, didn't now seem to have a leadership bone in his body.

Well, that secret is out...The republicans not only feel strength by the outcome of the last election, but by the compromise prone president.

Now, the trick for the republicans is for them to keep any major legislation from passing before Christmas break. However, this is often easier said that done, because the democrats will be trying to pass anything as fast as possible with its lameducks still in office...with their terms coming to an end, they have nothing to be afraid of.

Our prayer as Christians should be to pray that the only legislation that is passed is that which God wants to be passed... and then pray for the wise decision of our current representatives and those coming into office.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Along with all the earthquakes going on in the world. There's an
earthquake going on in my life. What an earthquake... Really, it came
from the recent earthquake in Turkey. I started thinking about those
around me.. The people that I work with everyday, and then it hit me.
I did not expect it. What if an earthquake hit my work and the people
died! The thought startled me...

There, I woke up! I woke up out of my stupor of selfishness. No. I
wasn't doing anything deadly wrong...no awful sins. Just a simple case
of infatuation with myself. With life. With work. With money. With MY
future. With...well... With me!

But then there was the earthquake. The earthquake that awoke me to
myself. As the prodigal came to himself in a foreign land, I came to
myself in my foreign land of selfishness. It was time to run back to
the Father, but not to sulk or ask forgiveness 1000 times, although i
did ask forgiveness, but to work side by side or side inside with Him
in His mission to tell people of His live for them.

If there was an earthquake at work, would they go to heaven??? That's
the question. And am I leading them there?? Or if it came up would I
be ashamed of who I say I am at school?? Good questions, huh? And they
all deserved answers.

However, I knew what my answer was. I want to reach them. I want my
life to preach truth. I want to tell them of Christ's great love for

So what in the world does this have to do with politics? Well, this is
the left out part in politics. This very conversation is conveniently
avoided in most talk about politics. Christianity unashamed. Living
the gospel unhindered. No apologizing for the truth. Time to connect
our Christianity with our politics. Time for Jesus Christ not to be a
side order but our dinner of life.

Time to live like there will be an earthquake tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It is very important how they will turn out. They must react to the
right words. Our zombie must know who is it's master. It would be
nothing without me. The zombie must react and go for the right causes.
Everything that I have trained this Zombie from it's conception, it
must follow.

What is it that I am talking about? Did I get really excited about
the book of Frankenstein. NO!

I've been reading a book called "Vindicating the Founders." This book
defends the founders and why they did what they did. Kind of sad that
there is a sect of people (a lot of times it feels like a big sect)
that say that the founders are hypocrites. Well, this book (obvious
by the title) is a defense of the founders and why did and believed
what they did. In this book, I was reading of the defense of the
rights of property that the founders enacted (this is a long lengthy
discussion that would bore you to tears).

But in this dissertation about property and property rights, the
author talks about liberals. Many times in college, the professors
really stress that the founders were called liberals back in their
day, and indeed they were. However, think of the principles that they
were fighting for. If they knew that the name liberal would mean what
it means today with abortion and gay rights, they would not have
wasted a breath calling themselves that.

Well, this section in "Vindicating the founders" was drawing the
difference between old and new liberals. There really is a
distinction between the 2. John Dewey came up with this distinction.
He said that man has no inherit gifts. In other words man is not good
at anything by himself. No one is naturally good at music, math,
english, or speaking. These are things that are cultivated and made
inside a person. This is done more by environment than God giving it
to a person. He believes that because of this and in order to make a
perfect human being or society that Governments need to be a welfare
state from the cradle to the grave. In other words, The government is
in control of a person born in the country from the time that it is
born until the person dies. That person becomes a product of the
government. THe government cultivates inside that person who they
want that person to be. this reminds me of all those sci-fi movies
and books that talk of a perfect society where all identity is lost.
(west, vindicating)

Not only that. Where is God in all of this???? Where is the room for
God to be the creator, savior and boss of someone's life???? In this
nation, there is no natural or divine standards leading mankind in the
right way as West says in his book.

Listen to this! This is what is guiding the liberals of today. NO
room for God???? We have all ready seen this become a great plague in
the US with Christians being to afraid to stand up for God or what's

If you look closely at the beliefs of this liberal movement, you can
see where a lot of the ideas for liberals today come from today.

So be aware! make sure you know what you are voting for and
supporting. Is it supporting your savior?

On a side note, John Dewey was one of the creators and supporters of
Public education. Kind of makes sense with what he believed with the
cradle to the grave society. And remember his vision was to create
and mold a people into what the government thinks they should be. Hm,
what an interesting note....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The president is sleeping. Although Mr. Obama is not done with his
first 100 days, he's all ready complaining that he's tired?!?!?!?!
Although I do not envy his job, I am not sure about what He thought
that the job of The president of the usa entailed. I mean, running one
of the most important nations in the world was not going to be a piece
of cake. I mean you are trying to take care of a nation of like three
hundred million people and trying to even out the wants of 2 very
opposite sides. Not the easiest thing in the whole world. So President
Obama you better get energized or find something (morally right) to
rev of your energy or you are going to have a very long presidency.
God bless you President Obama. I pray for you, and you are definitely
going to need it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don't you feel stimulated

So, Mr. Obama has come up with a plan.  A plan that will save the world and your marriage. What? Are you saying that I am being sarcastic...Well, I am.  This stimulus plan is ridiculous.  I mean, here we are with an 800 billion dollar bill that we have to pay.  a bill for a repair that we don't know will actually fix the problem.  God help us all.  God I do pray that this miraculous bill does work... Now there is some pork in this barrel. Well, this barrel is full of pork. Little pieces of pork, big pieces of pork. All sorts of pork.  Go and look at all that pork that we are paying for...Too bad we can't eat it.  Hopefully it will come to benefit our economy when it eats it. If the economy gets to feel the effects.  Oh wel, God please help us.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two new dawns

So, along with my new dawn, the world sees a new dawn with the inauguration of Barack Obama.   I hope that Mr. Barack Obama fulfills all that people hope that he's going to do, but he has a tall order to fill.  He is tackling a big problem economically, but I hope that he succeeds.  Lord, I pray that You guide Mr. obama, and lead him in what to do in this country.  Also, that he succeeds in being a great president. Jesus, your kingdom come and your will be done. In Jesus name. Amen!