Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our new president's religous views

If you want to see the religious views of our new President, go to this site. I hope we, christians, do not reap bad consequences from this bad choice. I pray that our Christian freedoms are not cut down even more! God save us!

This is an interview before Obama was running for president...2004 to be exact when he was running to be in te senate. Yeah, his first time in any US Governmental position in 2005. First time elected to government position (Illinois) 1996.

A time to mourn

Yes, I'm a blogger and I am in mourning. As I watched the election last night I was wishing and praying that my nightmares would not come true. I was praying and prayed at dinner that America wouldn't have its Saul. You know, Saul from the Bible! you remember the story. The Israelites had God as there leader with prophets/judges serving as the mouth poece between. Pretty sweet deal when you think about it. God as their president. SWEET! Well, they didn't like this deal. The Israelites, I mean. They wanted to be like everyone else....Seriously, that's what they told God. Here's what they said (paraphrasing of course) " All these coutnries around us have a king and well, we want one too! You are not enough!" Well, alhtough God did not want to give them a king....He did anyway...because that was what they wanted.

So what does this have to do with America....Nice Bible history, but so what?!

Well, America has voted for one of our most liberal Presidents with one of our most liberal Congresses....Our democratic friend Nancy is probably jumping in delight...alot like a demon. I know that Obama has said a lot of things that sounds great and that he's going to change things...But these are just words...Oh yeah, don't forget..he has a Great personality....A I remember, that was never a requirement to become President....Also as I recall, that's how Hitler got elected. So, I'm praying that we won't end up like nazi Germany and Rome with Caesar and Octavian....Tricked out of a real democreacy and freedoms.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Race is on!

So the race is on, and the candidates are official. Since the candidates are official, they have now picked their running mates. Obama has picked Joe Biden, the very liberal senator with much experience. The amount of experience that Joe Biden has is supposed tomake up for Obama's lack of experience.

McCain has also picked his running mate. Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska. This was kind of a hit out of left field. No body really saw it coming. Now, people are saying that she lacks experience (she's only been a governer for like 2 years and a mayor before that). They are also talking about issues as to whether she should run with being a mother of like 5 and a baby born this past year. Then, don't forget that she has a 17 year old daughter that is pregnant. The media startd having a hay day with these issues and all of a sudden started making a big deal. This is hard to take when they defend these type of things everyday. Ironic isn't it? But Sarah palin is a big draw for conservative evangelicals. Why? Because she very much of a conservative and she is a christian.

Now we are down where we really are choosing who will run and be an example of our country. Remember that this person needs to line up with the Bible, and the standards that God sets out for us and for leaders. Pray hard!

Friday, June 13, 2008


For anyone who's been keeping up with the race between obama and hillary you now know that the race is over. Finally, all the votes are cast and Hillary is now out of the running. Obama is now the only Deomcrat in the race and will officially be named the Democratic candidate some time this summer.

As we all know very well by now, McCain has and will be the official Republican candidate. He not alot of people's ideal for a Republican candidate, and he has some liberal beliefs, especially when it comes to immigration, which is a hard issue to deal with because one is dealing with real people. However, in these big and difficult decisions you have tomake the decision that will help more people over time. not just right now!

To cross that last statement with what's going on now would be a very pertinent request. Right now, as US citizens and a christian, you are faced with a difficult choice. A choice to partake in the choosing of your leader! Choosing the image that you want the whole world to see and hear. A scary decision really. This person will either make your country look good and strong or bad and weak. Other then listening to their rhetoric and all the junk that they say that they are GONNA do. One should stop and pray and ask God.....Who should I vote for that you want in office. Not what makes sense or whatever, but what God wants. We don't need to fall for talk but led by God's hand.

Friday, May 23, 2008

California, What are you thinking?!

So in california last week, their state supreme court was to determine that if a ban on Same-sex marriages was in line with the california constitution. The state supreme court determined that it was against the constitution to put a ban on same-sex marriages. They said that putting a ban on same-sex marriage is that same as the ban that was put on inter-racial marraiges in 1946, and that it was against their civil rights. The court also determined that the ban would be against all that california has done in the past for same-sex couples like letting them adopt (WRONG!) and hold Real Estate...THIS IS BOGUS!!!!! I can't believe that this has actually happen. Where are the Christians in all this? How can we let this happen? Look at what's happening about you! 2 women or men are now able to marry each other in California, and is everyone ok with this? There needs to be a big movement of Christians that will stand up for what is right! Stand up for what is in the Bible! Have we swallowed the pill that homosexuality is acceptable??? This is not the norm! This is not jsut a part of nature...God created us to be the sex that we are and to get married to the opposite sex. We need to be aware of what is happening around us. I mean right now, I can hear evidence of our fallen culture. Where these boys are talking about video games, the more violent the better! This is crazy. If their bodies explode, implode, or turn into or fight some grotesque creature, they get really excited. They get bummed if they talk about a video game that they can't get, and it has all this violence. the more realistic, and this is what they are saying, and the more violent. The "better" the game!

Wake up people. We have a responsiblity that has been given to us from God! We need to stand up for what's right! And the Right morals!!!! Come on! God put us here to be different and set apart! Are you ready to stand up for God and what's right? If not, why? Think about it

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So, there's a new thing out. Oprah's new religion and her new church. That all religions lead to God....This is wrong! Jesus says in John 14:6 says that Jesus is the only way. It says "I Am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the father except through me. She says that Jesus is no the only way and the chirstianity is confining. This "new religion" is alot like hinduism. Think about this fellow christians. She is encouraging people to not follow after Christ but to follow whatever they think about themselves. Really she's saying to "find" yourselves. She leads people into a trans to find themselves in her new book show. This is wrong! This is not right! It's time for Christians to stand up against this dumptruck of lies being fed to our nation by one of the most popular people in the world!

Now we must also take a look at what candidate Oprah is backing. The candidate that Oprah is backing is Barak O'Bama. So the support of this woman and her beliefs are in the favor of Barak O'Bama. We as Christians need to take a close look at this! O'Bama is being backed by Oprah who is coming against Christian and what we believe. Lets take a long and hard look at this. We need to be praying desperately for our nation, its leaders, and this election. We do not need to sit back and think that things will take care of themselves without Christians standing up for what Jesus shed his blood for! It's time to take a stand! it's time to really live you life for Christ! This world is deteriorating fast! Things are becoming socially acceptable that are against the Bible! A MAn (who was really a woman but got reconstructive surgery?!?!?!?) is pregnant?!?!?! And people are calling this a miracle...This is not a miracle...This is sad and sick and against the Bible!

Chistians, it's time to pray! It's time to stand! It's time for us to do Something other than be afaraid of making waves. The world has been a tsunami with itself! Can't we make our own Tidal Wave of Chirstianity for our savior?!?!?!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Contest Continues

McCain is the nominee for the republicans. However, on the democratic side, the race is still on. O'Bama is in the lead. Hillary is (the last time I checked) 150 delegates behind O'Bama. Things are starting to look sad for Hillary, however, she is still hanging in there. Some are asking for her to stay in the race longer. However, as November is getting closer, and it's very important that you as the voter pays closer and closer attention to the candidates and what they stand for. Do research and make sure that what they are saying lines up with what they are doing.

Here's a site to gather some information from:

Michael Graham

Friday, March 7, 2008

The race is starting to come to a close

As of March 5th 2008 Huckabee has officially dropped out of the race for the republican candidate. McCain has now gotten all the votes he needs to become the Republican candidate, and there is no way Huckabee can get the votes he needs to catch up. So, now the republican party has finally united behind one candidate! McCain has now spoken to Pres. Bush in the Whitehouse and have pledged support to one another.

Hillary and Obama are still neck and neck in the Democratic run for candidacy. Obama has a narrow lead. Hillary and Obama are seeking the support of super delegates in each state which carry their own amount of voting weight with them. This could cause the vote to go either way. However, the fate of who wins this battle does not lie in the super delegate's hands. There are still plenty of other primaries and caucuses to decide who will become the democratic candidate.

Be praying hard. This is a crucial election in a crucial time in history. Pray about the issues. Pray about who to vote for. Pray and follow the peace of God towards the candidate that he wants you to vote for!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Primaries update

Since our last update many things have happend. Super Tuesday was one of the things that happened. Now, Romney has dropped out and the ony republican candidates are McCain and Huckabee. McCain is really the top dog with the most primary delegates and Huckabee very far behind him. Huckabee is being given a hard time for staying in the race this long. Many people say he looks bad. Does he look bad or is he just in an endurance race? Who knows? Only time will tell.

Now, on the democratic side, John Edwards dropped out, and lef thte field for Hillary and Obama before Super Tuesday. Hillary got more votes on Super tuesday, but Obama has had the biggest gains since that day winning 11 primaries/caucuses which is every one since Super Tuesday. Is Hillary lost? Or does she still have a chance for a big comeback. And with Obama, is the US ready for its first Black President? Is he the right man for the job? Is he all talk and no execution? Is he really the next Hitler (who had a great personality) The Choice is yours!

As a Christian, we should invest our vote. And in investing our vote we should do this with prayful consideration of what God wants and ultimately who he tells us to vote for. So, now is your time....Your time to affect history. Prayfully consider who you should vote for.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Other Primaries

Nevada went to Clinton
Nevada went to Romney
SC went to O'Bama
Florida went to McCain
Florida went to Clinton (Although their delegates have been disqualified from the democrat Conference)

Super Tuesday is coming upon us. About 22 States are going to be voting on Feb 5th. 2 days after the super bowl. However this super day is alot more important and has farther reaching effects than the Superbowl. We all need to pray because this is an important time, and as Christians we need to pray. This is an important time with important issues being brought up. We need to look at the issues and check it against the Bible.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Political Update

Last Saturday, January 19th, SC had their primaries, and McCain won. Fred Thompson has since then pulled out and is no longer in the runnings. Too bad that he decided to do that after SC and not before because some of the people who voted for him would have voted for Huckabee. Romney has won the state of nevada last week and is the leader right now with McCain right on his heels. Duncan Hunter has also dropped out of the race.

However on the Democratic side, there was a debate in Myrtle Beach, SC. Their Democratic Primaries are Jan. 26th, this saturaday. Be praying for that primary. This debate is very significant because it shows Obama and Hillary duking it out ofer issues. Maybe even going too far. You can decide. Get on You tube and search "democratic debate Myrtle Beach." You should find the debate there. It is in 12 sections, you should get the one posted by yd2008. no matter what party you are you will enjoy listening to these 2 duke it out and Edwards fighting for some of the spotlight! Don't fall for the light words that they use. Listen carefully to the issues. Also, do not fall for any person that says they are a Christian and use it a badge. Investigate. Make sure that they really are a Christian. Look at the back ground.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You choose!

As A Christian, It is your responsibility to choose the candidate that not only lines up with a biblical perspecitve of the issues, but also that you in prayer submit your choices to God. After which you choose the candidate that you hear, feel, or know that God is telling you or that you have a peace with.

Where do we start? The best way is to look up the candidates and their stands on the issues:

For the democrats:

Barak Hussein O'Bama

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Mike Gravel

Dennis Kucinich

Republican Democrats:

Mike Huckabee

Fred Thompson

Mitt Romney

John McCain

Duncan Hunter

Rudy Giuliani

Ron Paul

Things to look out for!

The word "Change"

This word is being thrown around in both arena of politics, but especially on the democratic side. But the question is how are they going to change, or are they just saying they are going to change things. What are they going to Change? Do you agree with the Changes?

What else other than Change do you agree with?

Are their beliefs biblical?

Are they complete followers of Christ (In other words does Christ come out in anything they do)?

Do they believe that the whole Bible is true (for the republicans, this can be seen on for the debate done with youtube questions)?

What feel do you get from the candidate?

Are they able to lead the country?

It's not only about leadership qualities, but also what they are leading you towards. So, along with leadership, you need good, quality morals. What are the Morals or stands of the person on issues do you want this view inforced on you?

This is very important and as a Christian You need to make sure you are doing/ voting the way God wants you to. You need to look at the information, and videos and pray and see who God wants you to vote for.

This should not be guess and check. This is very important and God needs to be a part of this decision!

First Blog Setting Purpose

The purpose of this blog is not to tell you who to vote ( or what opinion) to have in politics. It's to help the everyday Christian to become an informed Voter and citizen. Obviously in this time of this year, the focus will be on the primaries and then election, but at other times of the year, this blog will serve as a place to learn about our government, how it works (simply), and the popular issues of that day. I will also take political points of view and give research out of the Bible, mainly, to see what the word of God says about that certain issue. You do not have to agree, and I am not saying that as a Christian you should feel a certain way, but I am laying out the information that I know so that you may know it too and make a fully informed vote. That's what this blog is mainly about: being an informed Christian citizen that listens to God, because after all, he has the last say in the matter. So whatever information is written on this site, your job as a Christian is to take this information, compare it to the Bible, and ultimately, pray on how to vote or stand as a Christian!