Thursday, January 31, 2008

Other Primaries

Nevada went to Clinton
Nevada went to Romney
SC went to O'Bama
Florida went to McCain
Florida went to Clinton (Although their delegates have been disqualified from the democrat Conference)

Super Tuesday is coming upon us. About 22 States are going to be voting on Feb 5th. 2 days after the super bowl. However this super day is alot more important and has farther reaching effects than the Superbowl. We all need to pray because this is an important time, and as Christians we need to pray. This is an important time with important issues being brought up. We need to look at the issues and check it against the Bible.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Political Update

Last Saturday, January 19th, SC had their primaries, and McCain won. Fred Thompson has since then pulled out and is no longer in the runnings. Too bad that he decided to do that after SC and not before because some of the people who voted for him would have voted for Huckabee. Romney has won the state of nevada last week and is the leader right now with McCain right on his heels. Duncan Hunter has also dropped out of the race.

However on the Democratic side, there was a debate in Myrtle Beach, SC. Their Democratic Primaries are Jan. 26th, this saturaday. Be praying for that primary. This debate is very significant because it shows Obama and Hillary duking it out ofer issues. Maybe even going too far. You can decide. Get on You tube and search "democratic debate Myrtle Beach." You should find the debate there. It is in 12 sections, you should get the one posted by yd2008. no matter what party you are you will enjoy listening to these 2 duke it out and Edwards fighting for some of the spotlight! Don't fall for the light words that they use. Listen carefully to the issues. Also, do not fall for any person that says they are a Christian and use it a badge. Investigate. Make sure that they really are a Christian. Look at the back ground.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You choose!

As A Christian, It is your responsibility to choose the candidate that not only lines up with a biblical perspecitve of the issues, but also that you in prayer submit your choices to God. After which you choose the candidate that you hear, feel, or know that God is telling you or that you have a peace with.

Where do we start? The best way is to look up the candidates and their stands on the issues:

For the democrats:

Barak Hussein O'Bama

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Mike Gravel

Dennis Kucinich

Republican Democrats:

Mike Huckabee

Fred Thompson

Mitt Romney

John McCain

Duncan Hunter

Rudy Giuliani

Ron Paul

Things to look out for!

The word "Change"

This word is being thrown around in both arena of politics, but especially on the democratic side. But the question is how are they going to change, or are they just saying they are going to change things. What are they going to Change? Do you agree with the Changes?

What else other than Change do you agree with?

Are their beliefs biblical?

Are they complete followers of Christ (In other words does Christ come out in anything they do)?

Do they believe that the whole Bible is true (for the republicans, this can be seen on for the debate done with youtube questions)?

What feel do you get from the candidate?

Are they able to lead the country?

It's not only about leadership qualities, but also what they are leading you towards. So, along with leadership, you need good, quality morals. What are the Morals or stands of the person on issues do you want this view inforced on you?

This is very important and as a Christian You need to make sure you are doing/ voting the way God wants you to. You need to look at the information, and videos and pray and see who God wants you to vote for.

This should not be guess and check. This is very important and God needs to be a part of this decision!

First Blog Setting Purpose

The purpose of this blog is not to tell you who to vote ( or what opinion) to have in politics. It's to help the everyday Christian to become an informed Voter and citizen. Obviously in this time of this year, the focus will be on the primaries and then election, but at other times of the year, this blog will serve as a place to learn about our government, how it works (simply), and the popular issues of that day. I will also take political points of view and give research out of the Bible, mainly, to see what the word of God says about that certain issue. You do not have to agree, and I am not saying that as a Christian you should feel a certain way, but I am laying out the information that I know so that you may know it too and make a fully informed vote. That's what this blog is mainly about: being an informed Christian citizen that listens to God, because after all, he has the last say in the matter. So whatever information is written on this site, your job as a Christian is to take this information, compare it to the Bible, and ultimately, pray on how to vote or stand as a Christian!