So, there's a new thing out. Oprah's new religion and her new church. That all religions lead to God....This is wrong! Jesus says in John 14:6 says that Jesus is the only way. It says "I Am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the father except through me. She says that Jesus is no the only way and the chirstianity is confining. This "new religion" is alot like hinduism. Think about this fellow christians. She is encouraging people to not follow after Christ but to follow whatever they think about themselves. Really she's saying to "find" yourselves. She leads people into a trans to find themselves in her new book show. This is wrong! This is not right! It's time for Christians to stand up against this dumptruck of lies being fed to our nation by one of the most popular people in the world!
Now we must also take a look at what candidate Oprah is backing. The candidate that Oprah is backing is Barak O'Bama. So the support of this woman and her beliefs are in the favor of Barak O'Bama. We as Christians need to take a close look at this! O'Bama is being backed by Oprah who is coming against Christian and what we believe. Lets take a long and hard look at this. We need to be praying desperately for our nation, its leaders, and this election. We do not need to sit back and think that things will take care of themselves without Christians standing up for what Jesus shed his blood for! It's time to take a stand! it's time to really live you life for Christ! This world is deteriorating fast! Things are becoming socially acceptable that are against the Bible! A MAn (who was really a woman but got reconstructive surgery?!?!?!?) is pregnant?!?!?! And people are calling this a miracle...This is not a miracle...This is sad and sick and against the Bible!
Chistians, it's time to pray! It's time to stand! It's time for us to do Something other than be afaraid of making waves. The world has been a tsunami with itself! Can't we make our own Tidal Wave of Chirstianity for our savior?!?!?!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Contest Continues

McCain is the nominee for the republicans. However, on the democratic side, the race is still on. O'Bama is in the lead. Hillary is (the last time I checked) 150 delegates behind O'Bama. Things are starting to look sad for Hillary, however, she is still hanging in there. Some are asking for her to stay in the race longer. However, as November is getting closer, and it's very important that you as the voter pays closer and closer attention to the candidates and what they stand for. Do research and make sure that what they are saying lines up with what they are doing.
Here's a site to gather some information from:
Michael Graham
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