Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It is very important how they will turn out. They must react to the
right words. Our zombie must know who is it's master. It would be
nothing without me. The zombie must react and go for the right causes.
Everything that I have trained this Zombie from it's conception, it
must follow.

What is it that I am talking about? Did I get really excited about
the book of Frankenstein. NO!

I've been reading a book called "Vindicating the Founders." This book
defends the founders and why they did what they did. Kind of sad that
there is a sect of people (a lot of times it feels like a big sect)
that say that the founders are hypocrites. Well, this book (obvious
by the title) is a defense of the founders and why did and believed
what they did. In this book, I was reading of the defense of the
rights of property that the founders enacted (this is a long lengthy
discussion that would bore you to tears).

But in this dissertation about property and property rights, the
author talks about liberals. Many times in college, the professors
really stress that the founders were called liberals back in their
day, and indeed they were. However, think of the principles that they
were fighting for. If they knew that the name liberal would mean what
it means today with abortion and gay rights, they would not have
wasted a breath calling themselves that.

Well, this section in "Vindicating the founders" was drawing the
difference between old and new liberals. There really is a
distinction between the 2. John Dewey came up with this distinction.
He said that man has no inherit gifts. In other words man is not good
at anything by himself. No one is naturally good at music, math,
english, or speaking. These are things that are cultivated and made
inside a person. This is done more by environment than God giving it
to a person. He believes that because of this and in order to make a
perfect human being or society that Governments need to be a welfare
state from the cradle to the grave. In other words, The government is
in control of a person born in the country from the time that it is
born until the person dies. That person becomes a product of the
government. THe government cultivates inside that person who they
want that person to be. this reminds me of all those sci-fi movies
and books that talk of a perfect society where all identity is lost.
(west, vindicating)

Not only that. Where is God in all of this???? Where is the room for
God to be the creator, savior and boss of someone's life???? In this
nation, there is no natural or divine standards leading mankind in the
right way as West says in his book.

Listen to this! This is what is guiding the liberals of today. NO
room for God???? We have all ready seen this become a great plague in
the US with Christians being to afraid to stand up for God or what's

If you look closely at the beliefs of this liberal movement, you can
see where a lot of the ideas for liberals today come from today.

So be aware! make sure you know what you are voting for and
supporting. Is it supporting your savior?

On a side note, John Dewey was one of the creators and supporters of
Public education. Kind of makes sense with what he believed with the
cradle to the grave society. And remember his vision was to create
and mold a people into what the government thinks they should be. Hm,
what an interesting note....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The president is sleeping. Although Mr. Obama is not done with his
first 100 days, he's all ready complaining that he's tired?!?!?!?!
Although I do not envy his job, I am not sure about what He thought
that the job of The president of the usa entailed. I mean, running one
of the most important nations in the world was not going to be a piece
of cake. I mean you are trying to take care of a nation of like three
hundred million people and trying to even out the wants of 2 very
opposite sides. Not the easiest thing in the whole world. So President
Obama you better get energized or find something (morally right) to
rev of your energy or you are going to have a very long presidency.
God bless you President Obama. I pray for you, and you are definitely
going to need it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don't you feel stimulated

So, Mr. Obama has come up with a plan.  A plan that will save the world and your marriage. What? Are you saying that I am being sarcastic...Well, I am.  This stimulus plan is ridiculous.  I mean, here we are with an 800 billion dollar bill that we have to pay.  a bill for a repair that we don't know will actually fix the problem.  God help us all.  God I do pray that this miraculous bill does work... Now there is some pork in this barrel. Well, this barrel is full of pork. Little pieces of pork, big pieces of pork. All sorts of pork.  Go and look at all that pork that we are paying for...Too bad we can't eat it.  Hopefully it will come to benefit our economy when it eats it. If the economy gets to feel the effects.  Oh wel, God please help us.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two new dawns

So, along with my new dawn, the world sees a new dawn with the inauguration of Barack Obama.   I hope that Mr. Barack Obama fulfills all that people hope that he's going to do, but he has a tall order to fill.  He is tackling a big problem economically, but I hope that he succeeds.  Lord, I pray that You guide Mr. obama, and lead him in what to do in this country.  Also, that he succeeds in being a great president. Jesus, your kingdom come and your will be done. In Jesus name. Amen!

Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK and Obama

Happy Birthday Mr. Martin Luther King! This man really was a great Man, but we often forget about his background and why he did what he did. Unlike Malcom X, MLK wanted to change the world peacefully with peaceful demonstrations. But it wasn't his approach that should make us stop and think. It was why he did what he did.

Now, let's refocus a little. This man, MLK, was not some politician, not solely activist. He was a preacher. A pastor actually. Although it wasn't a backwoods church. You know, the inspiring story of the little people who could. But still, he was preacher.

God gave this preacher a vision. And I'm not doing a knock off of the the MLK "I have a dream" speech. But God had to have given him a vision for him to nonviolently go through all that he did. He was a great leader with God giving him the guidance in what to do. Sadly, he ended up giving his life for this cause. But was more of giving his life for his anointing, and in turn giving his life for God.

So now, because of the advancement of people like MLK, and others afterwards, we now have a history changing moment coming up in a few days. Yes America, our first african american president is going to be inaugurated on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009.

This is history in the making. History that I am planning to watch and record so that I might put it in my archives of great things in history that I've seen.

Now, with all that effort, I'm sure the question could be ask. "so you agree with his views and the things that he stands for?" No. Not at all. I think that it is great for America that we have a man of a different color that is able to be elected. Overall, this is a interracial victory, but really, this is not a Moral victory. But no matter how I feel about my views of what he stands for. He will be my president. He will be the representative of the United States to all th countries in the world. Because of that he earns my respect and my prayers. Now, will I back him totally if he does something that I think is wrong morally or God forbid persecuting Christians even? No. But I do hope that he succeeds in leading America. And i hope that he succeeds in not only leading america, but leading us towards God's/Jesus' plans. I do NOT want him to be assasinated or anything like that. I want him to live and be a good president. THose are my prayers.

At the beginning of Romans 13, it talks about how God has given leaders. In this, we are to respect them and pray for them.. Of course, if your leader does domething that is against the Bible or what God has told you to do. You don't have to do it because Jesus says you give you caesar what is caesar's and to God what is God's!

So the long and short of it is this: Be praying. Be praying hard for our country and our new president that God will guide him and that he will listen to God. And for God's kingdom come and God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven! May God bless America!