Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK and Obama

Happy Birthday Mr. Martin Luther King! This man really was a great Man, but we often forget about his background and why he did what he did. Unlike Malcom X, MLK wanted to change the world peacefully with peaceful demonstrations. But it wasn't his approach that should make us stop and think. It was why he did what he did.

Now, let's refocus a little. This man, MLK, was not some politician, not solely activist. He was a preacher. A pastor actually. Although it wasn't a backwoods church. You know, the inspiring story of the little people who could. But still, he was preacher.

God gave this preacher a vision. And I'm not doing a knock off of the the MLK "I have a dream" speech. But God had to have given him a vision for him to nonviolently go through all that he did. He was a great leader with God giving him the guidance in what to do. Sadly, he ended up giving his life for this cause. But was more of giving his life for his anointing, and in turn giving his life for God.

So now, because of the advancement of people like MLK, and others afterwards, we now have a history changing moment coming up in a few days. Yes America, our first african american president is going to be inaugurated on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009.

This is history in the making. History that I am planning to watch and record so that I might put it in my archives of great things in history that I've seen.

Now, with all that effort, I'm sure the question could be ask. "so you agree with his views and the things that he stands for?" No. Not at all. I think that it is great for America that we have a man of a different color that is able to be elected. Overall, this is a interracial victory, but really, this is not a Moral victory. But no matter how I feel about my views of what he stands for. He will be my president. He will be the representative of the United States to all th countries in the world. Because of that he earns my respect and my prayers. Now, will I back him totally if he does something that I think is wrong morally or God forbid persecuting Christians even? No. But I do hope that he succeeds in leading America. And i hope that he succeeds in not only leading america, but leading us towards God's/Jesus' plans. I do NOT want him to be assasinated or anything like that. I want him to live and be a good president. THose are my prayers.

At the beginning of Romans 13, it talks about how God has given leaders. In this, we are to respect them and pray for them.. Of course, if your leader does domething that is against the Bible or what God has told you to do. You don't have to do it because Jesus says you give you caesar what is caesar's and to God what is God's!

So the long and short of it is this: Be praying. Be praying hard for our country and our new president that God will guide him and that he will listen to God. And for God's kingdom come and God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven! May God bless America!

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